There are several laws and safety certificates to be considered both in Europe and outside, because press brakes are a type of machine that involve many laws according to the safety disposal used on the machine itself. Let’s try to understand the importance and the application fields of such laws, but also legislative decrees of who is subjected to suc obligations and how this can help to choose the best in the field of press brakes. The importance of certifications Products manufacturer are the first to be involved in the field of laws and certifications: once identified the press brake, it is important trying to understand if it respects the standards required by rules or laws. In this regard, we consulted the Inail manual (ex Ispesl) for the safe use of press brakes (Caratteristiche di funzionalità e sicurezza dei dispositivi a protezione del fronte lavorativo delle presse piegatrici idrauliche, Features of functionality and safety of devices to protect the working front of hydraulic press brakes). Legislation is made of already operating State laws (in this case we refer to Presidential Decree of April 27th 1955 n. 547 Norme per la prevenzione degli infortuni sul lavoro, Rules for the prevention of accidents at work), as well as European directives that became laws and apply to machines where there is a significant number of cold working of metals machines. Regulations, laws and decrees in Italy The contents of the said Decree are applied to residential Decree 547/55 to press brakes, more in general to Title IV Norme particolari di protezione per determinate macchine (Special protection rules for specific machines) in chapter VI Presse e Cesoie (Presses and shears): 115 says that presses, shears and similar machines must be equipped with shelters or disposals in order to avoid that hands or other parts of the body are hurt by the stamp or by other mobile working organs; according to 117 a slow movement or other similar disposals or expedients to avoid possible dangers must exist; 78 involves the presence of a foot control; 77 involves set in motion controls; according to 76 every machine must have easy-to-recognize and clearly to access start and stop controls. Safety requirements Therefore, the manufacturer must produce machines that respond to essential safety requirements, but we highlight that the document of a technical rule is mandatory only if it is required by a law, otherwise the manufacturer can insert such rule only on a voluntary basis. Later we will see what are the systems and technologies for which Italy and the European Union get busy. Systems: pros and cons Different systems, different pros and cons. What we have just said about rules and decrees actually reverses on technology: as regards the photo-electric barrier, the limitations of use are those of pieces and boxed of small dimensions, the reflection possibility of infrared rays while using mirroring metal sheets or the danger for the operator if s/he fails to set the muting point; while the pros are the high performances, the possibility to operate with barrier both vertically and horizontally and with every type of tool. The advantage of laser systems that moves with the crossbeam is the possibility to work with little pieces and boxed, and the limitation of use regards a higher muting point and the respect of the safety distance only in particular working condition; the danger is in case of stamp replacement. Old inadequate technologies For the monitoring systems fixed to the press brake board there is laser monitoring that, like inconsistent light monitoring (we will see it later), is no longer representative of the state-of-the-art of these machines. The first one doesn’t ensure a complete protection of the dangerous area, it is obliged to frequent adjustments of the laser beam and, in case of uneven metal sheets, the adjustment is difficult to achieve. Instead, the infrared ray of the inconsistent light monitoring can be reflected by the metal sheet in progress and the ray divergence doesn’t ensure the proper Tx-Rx operation. Now we will try to understand the different features it must have to be considered safe by law. The importance of the various stages “During the design stage, the press brake already has to take into account the security integration principle that concerns not only the use of the press on duty, but also the regulation, maintenance, assembly and dismantling stages” the Inail Security Manual on press brakes quotes. So, the best moment to achieve the goals and secure press brakes is – as can be deduced – during the design stage, because during the metal sheet pressing nothing can be left to chance and to reach such goals we start from the premise that the mchine we want to buy and use must be safer than a spaceship. Factors to be considered Let’s start from this: muting and blanking. Muting is about the fact that press brakes are usually designed so that for a stretch of race, the stamp has a certain speed (e.g. 100 mm/s). Later, at a point called “muting” programmed when the CNC is on board, the stamp continues its race at low speed until it performs the fold (≤10 mm/s). This is possible only if the machine has a hold-to-run device and a system with a photocell system device. Blanking, instead, is a feature available for optical barriers: in some parts of the sensitive field they can be disabled. This means that one or more areas of the detection area of the optical barrier are made inactive to allow a part of the performing piece to enter a detection area without activating the protective device. Suppression can be incorporated into the optoelectronic protective device only as long as the safety distance is such as to guarantee that reaching the dangerous area is impossible. Other security points We know that a single post can’t explain all the topic, so here it is an hypothetical list to consider when buying a good press brake: for example, we need to consider the setting of the physical barriers (guards that can be of two types: fixed, at total segregation, that avoid the access to the dangerous area on all sides, solidly fixed to the machine, to another rigid structure or to the ground; and the one called “interlocked guard” associated to a micro-switch made for avoiding the access to the dangerous area during any dangerous movement, if used along with fixed guards) and intangible barriers (that is, safety photocells made of electro-sensitive protection devices that use opto-electronic protection devices active where the operator safety is given by the detection of that part of the human body that enters the dangerous zone and provokes the stop of dangerous movements). And then, in vertical or horizontal position, laser scanner systems, two-hand control, with other body areas to be protected, such as the front, side and back areas of who works with a press brake are just some of the factors to consider when talking about safety of machinery. Designers, manufacturers and safety Designers have to take all the practical measures to ensure that the devices inserted into the designing machines don’t become a danger for whoever assemble, install, keep or make fixings, while the designers, manufacturers and suppliers of press brakes and individual protection devices have legal duties that must satisfy also all the international laws. Indeed, the different control system such as the two-hand one and the three-position pedal and, more in general, all the press brake control systems and the associated safety components (laser, scanner, and so on) have a primary relevance for press brakes. Considering all the features just listed, a greater security will be achieved, even when buying a used product: wide and well stocked and, as we noticed, that every manufacturer has in the company.
Various factors influence fast and precise part manufacturing. With the possibility of remote programming and use of innovative systems for thickness detection, active crowning and angle control. VICLA has qualified, young engineers and technicians working for it. With an open mentality capable of designing fast and flexible solutions, designed for optimal operation of the entire bending presses machining process: from profile to manufacturing of the part. What you expect from an artisan is part precision, fast execution and the ability to group multiple processes in a single machine. VICLA bending presses, from the .SUPERIOR for large-sized bends to the .FIRST, a compact bending press for small and medium-sized formats, are equipped with systems for programming on the machine and from remote. Programming is guaranteed by the numerical control systems on board enabling enhanced quality of the parts, while at the same time reducing production costs and times. Programming from the office also enables the possibility of reducing operator intervention to a minimum, also in relation to difficulties of finding specialist staff. The first step to achieve part production involves drafting a 2D drawing (dxf or dwg) or 3D drawing (iges or Step). The cad/cam system on VICLA bending presses can host 2D and 3D files through a USB interface or a network card and recognises the bending lines and tools to use. This is how the software automatically calculates the profile, thickness and type of material, the development of the sheet metal as well as the bending sequence, force, positioning of the axes and crowning. Perfection of the part and rapid and error-free realisation also depends on other factors, such as detection systems for thickness, active crowning and angle control. Technical prerogatives finding ample use in VICLA bending presses.
Here is a quick tour of the dates and stop-offs in the world of trade shows. Where to find the best in sheet metal processing. In addition of course to the prerogatives of efficiency, stability and precision, in a rapidly growing, competitive market, as is the sector we work in, the quality of a sheet metal working machine is measured above all through the technological innovations with which it is equipped. Innovations which can gain maximum visibility at all the international fairs: excellent showcases and privileged meeting points for those who work in the world of sheet metal, and the industry's decision makers who are looking to discover the latest technological innovations to improve production efficiency. From those related to finished or semi-finished products to moulds, from CAD/CAM/CIM systems to the latest strategies in research and development. For these reasons, the success which comes from participating in a trade show for a brand such as VICLA® is a sign that the company is taking steps in the right direction, giving credence to their day-to-day efforts as they journey towards seamless perfection. Evidence of this can be seen from their last participation in the 2016 Euroblech trade show in Hannover, and that of Lamiera 2017 in Milan, important events that have enabled the VICLA® brand to become known and appreciated by a large number of interested and competent operators. With the view to providing a useful service to all those with a passion for the world of sheet metal processing, here below you will find information on the key stop-off points of the international trade show network. Starting with the most recent event, which took place just a short time ago in Poland from 6 to 9 June: the Mach-Tool Poznan annual trade show, which is one of the largest trade shows in Europe featuring the latest technologies in a wide variety of industrial sectors. Such as metallurgy, casting and welding, painting, hydraulics and pneumatics. The next upcoming European event in chronological order is in the Czech Republic with MSV, the 59th edition of the International Engineering Trade Fair, to be held in Brno from 9 to 13 October 2017. This is the most important event in the sector in Central and Eastern Europe which sees all the major sectors from the mechanical industry taking part and which traditionally enjoys the presence of a significant number of Italian companies from the sector. Event numbers are impressive: 1.500 exhibitors, and 75.000 visitors from 59 different countries. Once again in Europe, from 7 to 10 November 2017, operators in the sector will shift their attention to Stuttgart in Germany for the 13th Blechexpo, the international trade fair for sheet metal working: the only event in the world that deals with the complementary technologies of sheet metal processing and joining technology, an extensive trade fair with a focus on mechanical and thermal joining and connecting procedures, and thermal welding processes. Moving overseas to the USA, from 6 to 9 November 2017, the Fabtech Chicago trade show will be held, America's biggest metal forming, fabricating, tube & pipe and welding trade show, An event that can host over 35.000 visitors from all over the world with over 1.100 exhibitors. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, in Shanghai in China, from 7 to 11 November 2017 the MWCS will take place, the major Asian trade show in the sheet metal processing industry, with a particular focus on intelligent production systems, digitalised technologies, and flexible, integrated systems. An event that has drawn audiences of over 120.000 trade visitors from all over Asia. We then head back to Europe, once again in Germany, from 23 to 26 October 2018 for the Euroblech Hannover: the World's no.1 for innovation in sheet metal working event, an eagerly awaited date for industry professionals, with a large trade show area devoted to the latest in technology and innovation. The last edition, held in October 2016, proudly saw our brand's participation with the launch of our SUPERIOR press brake, the flagship of VICLA products, on an international stage. It was an amazing success in terms of sales and marketing.
Equip the .SUPERIOR press brake with CNC controlled bending supports to optimise bending of large sheets such as panels or doors. This system increases productivity, halving operator’s intervention. Moreover, since the bending supports hold the sheet properly during processing, the deformation risks are zero. WATCH THE VIDEO
These are input we look for continue whit determination on the progressive innovation way. Today we ask an opinion about brand VICLA to Mr Danilo La Croce from company LMC, Pinerolo (TO), which produce on drawing for third parties, specialized in cutting and bending, going from thin sheet metal to the thicker one. “I found Vicla through the web site” he says, “and I bought a press brake .SUPERIOR 3 m 170 t, equipped whit clever crowning and with the possibility of frontal punch release. It’s a machine really fast. It allows me to go from a configuration to another one in rapid times. We learned to use the machine quite quickly.: a half-day briefing with Vicla technician was enough and then I didn’t have much difficulty. I have read the cnc manual and I learned all during a week, even if some details we will learn with time.” Mr Danilo Lacroce shows enthusiasm also about VICLA services: “it’s a machine built on my specific needs. During the pre-sales moment VICLA gave me all information I needed and I received the machine in the established times. Post-sales service and assistance is professional and complete too.” Thank to Mr Danilo Lacroce for the time you’ve been devoted to us: the opinion who, uses our machine all days is very precious for us.
The best business card for all potential customers of a company is the express satisfaction from who has already used its products or services. About this today we have asked an opinion to Mr Giordano Riva, the boss of CTL – CENTRO TAGLIO LAMIERE s.r.l., company at Stezzano (Bergamo), which is involved in the production of metallic materials for carpentry, plant, petrolchemical and whatever else field related to iron transformation through flat cutting or folding. “I met VICLA through Mr Vittorio Bestetti, great expert about press brake, and in 2016 I decided to buy a .SUPERIOR 4 m 320 t for my company: a versatile machine equipped with innovative technologies.” Says the boss of this north Italy company, who about this add some details: “…we uses this machine from a short time and it’s the first within the company. So to be honest, I haven’t all instrument to make accurate comparisons. I say just that on bases of my past experiences, when I was technical director of other companies, I can assert with certainty that press brake .SUPERIOR is up to a center of services like ours, where versatility and efficiency are indispensable prerogatives.” The businessman has got clear ideas also about technologies: “We chose a machine with base equipment and then we have strenghtened it according to our needs. We are very pleased with Clever Crowning or Hybrid System. We are able to bend all the thicknesses, even from 20 mm, getting the desired results each times.” “Excellent” CTL’s boss continues “is the turning off the engines during the moment of inactivity: this is an important feature because it allows us to obtain great saving energy”. Mr Giordano Riva also expresses his satisfaction about pre-post sales services offered by VICLA: “during the pre-sales period we have received complete and professional information, and then, the full machine knowledge will come with the use. I believe in the innovation and so we have been entrusted with versatility of a young company like VICLA, which is able to innovate.” About post-sales services, he says: “The machine has been delivered to us according to the scheduled time and installed in a couple of days. Some constructive anomalies have been overcome quickly and today the machine is doing its job well. And every time we need it, we can rely on VICLA technicians: rapid answers which allow us not to stop the working.” The use of the machine is easy and intuitive, says the businessman, with whom young, trained and dotated with great will to learn people work, also with the help of CNC ESA of machine, precise and interactive, which allows a good easy to use. Cited merits and benefits. But the superior also has some defect? “The machine is well done. Obviously something you could improve: some building solutions could be optimized in order to improve the exchange tools timing and production.” Thanks to Mr Giordano Riva, the boss of CTL – CENTRO TAGLIO LAMIERE, for the time devoted to us and for his cordiality. In order to know more details about this company which chose VICLA, you can go on the website
VICLA offers effective and efficient solutions for press brakes automation thanks to new technologies and last innovation. There are many features of Industria 4.0 used in VICLA machines. And these elements guarantee: great fexibility and rapidity of production short set-up time reducing machine stops and errors in order to obtain productivity high quality. This solution increases the competitiveness of the created products. Other important features are the ability to personalize the warehouse capacity, only use Promecam Style upper and lower tools and the rotation for the inserting of the inverted tool. The Matrix Code also recognizes the features and size of the tool during loading in the warehouse. TOP SHIFT is also equipped by a software realized to manage the communications with different CNC about 4 axes, about warehouse stock, about the information of tools. The software manages the charger set up with total autonomy, charge and edit the programs. The APR robot, for complete automation of bending process through hydraulic press, is another innovation by VICLA, with instrument for pieces with a weight until 250 kg and with the possibility of a manual use. The APR robot follows the press brake linear structure thank to its 5 axes, of which 3 linear and 2 polar, which allow to do easily perform bending operations, overturning and tilting of the piece. The programming of the APR robot is more easy thank to the application on the transducer press directly connected to the robot. This characteristic allows to the operator not to perform any adjustments and to monitor in every moment the bending process through the warning of possible anomalies and preventing the production of faulty parts. There are two monitors for the operator to manage the Antil robot: the touch screen one and the joystick for movements. The software allows to do all picking operations of sheet in a comfort and easy way, with also the possibility to divide the area into little zone of work. VICLA offers Matrix bending cells for completely automatic procedures of picking operations: machines able to work on pieces until 400 kg thanks to laser cut. Among the main characteristics there are reliability of electronics, gear couplings with game recovery which allows the repeatability of placement, a controlled force of the thrust against back gauges, to the advantage of greater lifetime of the machine. The software out of line BendWizard is the brain that manage through a user-friendly, easy and intuitive interface, to certificate an important decrease of stops. The software allows the planning until 4 different cells with bending robot. To complete the range of VICLA’s product, Flexbender and Robot Studio with Virtual controller are the standard and flexible solution realized for press brakes. The Virtual Controller is the platform that shows the same control system used by robot and that allows to simulate robot’s behavior for its movement, working area accessibility, collision and stats.
A perfect sheet metal processing causes the systematic operation of several elements, all necessary to achieve whises performance. In addition to the options provided by the machine, the experience of operator is always important in order to coordinate the workings, but the progress achieved so far by VICLA brand machines enables more rapid and intuitive management. The technologies are really important in order to achieve high level of performance. About this, our main reference is press brake VICLA .SUPERIOR, a jewel of innovation which encloses all secrets to achieving performance at the highest levels of the market. Today we want to name some of the most important. Beginning with all those elements that are fundamental to produce extremely precise bending. At first, we would like to name the Flex System, the innovative system for the management of structural flexions, that ensures the same bending lenght of the sheet. This is a system of which are equipped only SUPERIOR machines: a revolution which underline the excellent relationship between quality/price of press brake .SUPERIOR, as well as a growning commercial success in the national and foreign markets. An other innovation that brings at VICLA’s brand is the availability to apply in upgrade the Clever Crowning Kit: the optional which offer the insurance to a perfect bend also in non uniform material (for example perforated/slotted mixed with full material) and to improve working in workshop. The Clever Crowning kit works in real time in order to avoid manual intervention. Finally for completing VICLA’s bending effectiveness, there’s the piping system reduction: a solution which brings a higher performance and high precision level. The sum of this prerogatives take our machines to a true reference model in the sheet metal working machine sector. The commercial numbers show the truth of this view.
Along with the continuous increase in power and length, the rear mechanisms must keep up the pace. In this case, the .SUPERIOR 6 m 250 ton comes with a Back5 back gauge characterised by a new larger and thicker rugged crossbeam that still preserves its high positioning speed. Rack and pinion system with linear guides mounted directly on the frame of the press, a feature common to all .SUPERIOR presses VICLA's strength points: rear retractable supports mounted to the sides of the back gauges that guide and support the sheet metal until it reaches the contact point, avoiding any positioning errors and eliminating downtimes thanks to their automatic CNC-controlled movement. They also feature a Teflon coating that facilitates material handling leaving no marks on the pieces. WATCH THE VIDEO
The attendance of Vicla at Lamiera 2017 successfully closed in an happyness, coordination and accomodation atmosphere. (that was held at the Fiera Milano Rho from 17 to 20 may). “When i founded this firm I didn’t expect to get here so early”. This is Marcello Ballacchino’s view about VICLA attendance at Fiera Lamiera. He also thinks that Fiera Lamiera was “One of the best professional experience tested till now”. It had been a success based since the early start on a futuristic view: building hybrid machines able to achieve an high energy saving. These machines are really well manufactured as well as they are easy using for the final user. “A bending press”, follows Ballachino, “should fully satisfy the needings of an artificier. This one is not a technician or an engineer but it’s a person which looks for easy and fast solutions for the most common troubles. For achieving the perfection we are hardly working and we’ll continue in this way”. The brand commitment in this direction reached lots of awards, first of all the access at full title in Industria 4.0, insurance of a continuous success market growth and a brand approach on the sheet metal world. VICLA stand space tripled compared to previous editions of Lamiera, signed lots of visits during the whole 4 days. In this show, it reached lots of contacts and requests coming 80 percent from Italy – in particular Lombardia, Veneto, Piemonte, Liguria and Emilia Romagna but also Sicilia, Puglia and Campania – and 20 percent from Foreign Market. VICLA Stand guest star was the best of Albavilla trademark: .SUPERIOR 3 meters / 170 Ton with a wide set of Technology add on – lots of this internally developed – and the littler one .FIRST 1,25 meters / 40 Ton really good for little and medium bendings. “At Fiera Lamiera we showed the best available technology in sheet metal working world”, word of CoFounder Corrado Nucci, “…one of the biggest attractive of the .SUPERIOR, for example, was the ’Hybrid System Plus: an hydraulic system which helps to achieve an energy saving up to 80% compared to traditional system. The .SUPERIOR allows to avoid lots of proportional valves and use few oil, only 9 litres per cilinder. The Machine equips also the angle control, clever crowning, Shoulder control with Flex system: these topics are more and more requested nowadays from the market and should give at our machines high fastness and precision”. The Same success was reached from the compact .FIRST, shown for the first time in an event like this: a really solid machine, compact, fast and accurate that allows to manage little pieces and be placed side by side with a traditional 3 or 4 meters bending press. Visits are also highly appreciated by tests carried out by VICLA technicians at the stand. Practical demostrations have allowed to touch with hand the precision and the efficiency of press brakes Vicla, from easier processing to the more complex ones. To conclude the great teamwork done for the praparation to this important event was the commitment in terms of investments and creativity for studying efficient marketing and communication strategies, “really important instruments for brand affirmation and, in our case, have contributed considerably to increasing a great perception of the brand from visitors” stresses Mr Corrado Nucci. This questioni s a must: What are VICLA’s projects for the next future? “doubling the company shed and so the production resulting with qualified staff recruitment” says enthusuastically Mr Marcello Ballacchino. He adds: “my dream is to guarantee the order evasion to 90 days”. Judging by the speed with which the VICLA brand is affirming in national and international markets, it is easy to keep and hold on to this promise.